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Sideline Frequently Asked Questions



When is Sign Up/Registration? 


I​t will be open March 1 - April 20. We do not accept late registration because uniform ordering, camp planning and team breakdowns are all complete asap.


Unfortunately we are unable to give refunds. â€‹


​​See Sign Up registration page for specific dates & details for each year.


When is the season?


Our season starts in early August and goes to the middle of November.


Who coaches the teams?


We hope to have 2-3 adult coaches for each team as well as high school mentors 


​Do I need experience and are there tryouts? 


You do not need any experience to join our team! The cheerleaders learn all they need to know at practice, learning cheers from our coaches, from videos and at summer cheer camp.


There are no tryouts. We welcome grade K-8 students in Sunset High boundaries who uphold the SYC cheer Rules & Guidelines and complete enrollment. 


​What Team will I be placed on?


Teams are usually split based on grades. Number of teams will be based on number of athletes


​When & Where are practices?


We practice 1x a week  from mid August through October. Cheer practices are held at Sunset High School. 

We offer an optional tumbling class at ODT once a week. Exact dates / times vary from year to year


​When are games? 


Games are on Saturdays starting in September and going through beginning of November

Typically games are at 9-11 am for our K-4 team, 11 am-3 pm for our Grade 5/6 Team and  3-7pm for our Grade 7/8 Team.  Almost all games are at Sunset High School, but occasionally teams may travel a short distance to Hillsboro, Aloha, etc.  Times of course may vary depending on the TVYFL league's schedule.


​How much does the program cost?​


Registration is $300 for the season, we are a nonprofit run by a volunteer board so the cost goes towards insurance, building use, business expenses etc. This year part of this cost will also be allocated for a 3 day camp, 2 t-shirts, 1 tank, 2 pairs of practice shorts, a fleece lined water proof jacket and a bow. If you need new poms, there will be an additional $25 charge. 


Uniforms depending on what you already have are expected to be around $200


We never want cost to be an hinderance for families wanting to be involved,

please email if you are seeking financial assistance.


When are payments due?


Payment is due at the time of registration, Uniform ordering will follow


When do I receive uniforms and merchandise?


late ​August


​How do I get sized for the SYC uniform?


​Sizing will be scheduled in May, you will receive more information for this after you register


How do I sign up?


To sign up, go to our Sign Up registration page for full details! 




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